Bed-wetting is a common problem among children and older adults. If the reason for bed-wetting is emotional, it is a matter for a psychologist. But there are some children, and some adults, who have never really been dry. They suffer from bed-wetting because of weak urethral sphincter muscle. Many such individuals have been freed of the problem by simple Ring Muscles Exercises.
With individuals who wet the bed because of muscle weakness, we do not usually start by exercising the front sphincter itself. Most such people do not have enough (or in some case, any) sensation in these slack, damaged muscles. Exercise must begin with those sphincters that are still functioning properly. Because almost anyone can open and close his or her eyes to some extent, eye exercises are often used to activate the lower sphincters. Through correct eye action, the lower sphincters can be restored to normal functioning.
People who wet the bed because of muscle weakness often exhibit “reversed breathing,” another sign of inadequate and/or uncoordinated sphincter function. Normally, the front sphincter contracts as you inhale and relaxes as you exhale, pushing air up from your lungs and out through your nose. The chest and abdominal muscles contract and relax along with the front sphincter. In “reversed breathing,” however, the picture is just the opposite, and uncoordinated sphincter function prevents the chest and abdominal muscles from acting properly. Ring Muscles Exercises to correct the breathing can therefore also be helpful for bed-wetting, as correct breathing results in the strengthening of the muscles needed to overcome bed-wetting problem.